Tweet Telecom offers carriers Voice termination services worldwide.
We insure Premium Voice services with extended quality guarantees and routing that is rigorously controlled on a 24/7 daily basis.
What is VoIP?
Voice Over Internet Protocol, VoIP, stands for transforming the analog voice signals to digital and sending them over Internet Protocol (IP), carrying the voice between two lines. Before VoIP business, this connection was made through psychical cables between operators which has a high cost to operators and also the customer. Due to the internet, long-distance phone calls became easier and cheaper.
Tweet Telecom provides its customers high-quality services. We focus on different layers of voice quality at competitive, flexible prices in order to be able to match requirements of each and every partner with various profiles and products and deliver them desired level of service. With the help of our VoIP team we monitor our operations and offered network on 24/7 basis to develop and keep highest possible efficiency for all clients.
What is SMS?
Since December 3rd,1992 SMS has become irresistible communication channel for effective, two-way interaction throughout the whole world. As a part of a developing SMS industry,
Tweet Telecom is offering own A2P and P2P high-quality SMS services at very competitive rates. Our broad worldwide network and 24/7 quality assurance will make sure to deliver your messages anytime to anywhere. To allow top-quality SMS termination and exchange for all our customers, we also manage messaging filtering services.